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Australian ImmunoGenomics Alliance

An integrated multiomics approach to expedite diagnosis and management of inborn errors of immunity

We have assembled Australia’s leading individual, institutional, public

health and clinical programs in genetics, clinical immunology,

functional immunogenomics, bioinformatics and biostatistics.

Our goal is to close the widening gaps between genome

sequencing, functional variant validation, genetic diagnosis

and precision therapies to deliver a sustainable and equitable

model of care for patients with IEI.

Australian Autoinflammatory Diseases Registry (AADRY), Victoria

CIRCA (Clinical Immunogenomics Research Consortium Australasia),

Garvan Institute of Medical Research, New South Wales

Hudson Institute and Monash Health

James Cook University, Queensland

The John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University (ANU), Australian Capital Territory

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Victoria

University of New South Wales (UNSW), New South Wale

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), Victoria

AIGA unites the following research organisations:

monitor icon

Submit the online form

Submit your patient for screening using a REDCap Screening Form.

Alternatively speak with a team member if you are unsure or would like to discuss your patient. Send us an email:

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Checklist Clipboard Thin Line Vector Icon. Outline Check List with Questionnaire Form and Tick Checkmark. Clip Board with a Survey on Paper with Completed Mark. Todo Documentation.
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Clinician submits

REDCap Screening Form 1

Screening Committee


Recruited via CIRCA Study

Research commenses

Results and feedback

Step 2: Email response

The Screening Committee will email you with a response. They will either approve your case for recruitment or let you know why the patient is not eligible, or they might request further information. Look out for an email and send a response as requested.

Step 3: Recruit your patient


After approval, you will be sent an email with instructions for recruiting your patient. This will involve obtaining informed consent from the patient, sending us specimens and providing additional information about the patient.

The AIGA patient recruitment process is overseen by the HREC-approved CIRCA Study. This initiative maintains the essential ethical and governance framework, along with operational infrastructure to facilitate the research conducted by AIGA. The recruitment email with instructions will direct you to the CIRCA website.

Outcomes and Results

You will be informed of any discoveries or outcomes of the research activities and be involved in the decisions made for your patient. You will be accredited in publications and presentations.

Contact Us

Contact us if you require any further information

Step 1: Register your patient for screening

Recruitment and Research Sites Across Australia

Western Australia

Fiona Stanley Hospital

Perth Children’s Hospital

Royal Perth Hospital

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital


Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland

Princess Alexandra Hospital

QIMR Berghofer - Queensland Medical Institute

Queensland Chilldren’s Hospital

Royal Brisbane Hospital

New South Wales

Bankstown Hospital

Campbelltown Hospital

Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Concord Hospital

Garvan Institute of Medical Research

John Hunter Children’s Hospital

John Hunter Hospital

Liverpool Hospital

Nepean Hospital

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

St Vincent’s Hospital

Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick

Sydney Eye Hospital

Westmead Hospital

South Australia

Flinder’s Medical Centre (pending)

Royal Adelaide Hospital

Women and Children’s Hospital (pending)


Austin (pending)

Hudson (pending)

Monash Health

The Alfred

The Royal Children’s Hospital

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) (pending)


Royal Hobart Hospital


Auckland Hospital (pending)

Christchurch Hospital

Starship Children’s Hospital (pending)


Australian National University (pending)

The Canberra Hospital (pending)

We would like to thank our financial and in-kind sponsors:

Financial Sponsors


Australian Genomics

Australian Functional Genomics Network (AFGN)

The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA)

Canberra Clinical Genomics and Phenomics, JCSMR, ANU


Immune Deficiencies Foundation Australia (IDFA)

Garvan Data Science Platform

Invitae Corporation, global

NSW Health Pathology

Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance (MGHA)

Pharming Group

In-kind Sponsors